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  1. Hair Analysis
  2. Hair Loss
  3. Hair Transplant Surgery
  4. Hammer, Claw, and Mallet Toes
  5. Hand hygiene: A guide to clean hands
  6. Hand-Foot-and-Mouth Disease
  7. Hantavirus Cardiopulmonary Syndrome (HCPS)
  8. Having a Hip Replacement: Activities and sports
  9. Having a Hip Replacement: After your surgery
  10. Having a Hip Replacement: Before your surgery
  11. Having a Hip Replacement: Chores
  12. Having a Hip Replacement: Day of surgery
  13. Having a Hip Replacement: Equipment you’ll need
  14. Having a Hip Replacement: Exercise, sports, and other activities
  15. Having a Hip Replacement: Exercises before surgery – Phase 1 exercises
  16. Having a Hip Replacement: Exercises to help you recover – Phase 2 exercises
  17. Having a Hip Replacement: Getting around
  18. Having a Hip Replacement: Going home
  19. Having a Hip Replacement: Having a hip replacement
  20. Having a Hip Replacement: Hip replacement surgery
  21. Having a Hip Replacement: Moving around and caring for yourself
  22. Having a Hip Replacement: Personal care
  23. Having a Hip Replacement: Resources
  24. Having a Hip Replacement: Safe sex positions
  25. Having a Hip Replacement: When to get medical help
  26. Having a Knee Replacement: Activities and sports
  27. Having a Knee Replacement: After your surgery
  28. Having a Knee Replacement: Before your surgery
  29. Having a Knee Replacement: Chores
  30. Having a Knee Replacement: Day of surgery
  31. Having a Knee Replacement: Equipment you'll need
  32. Having a Knee Replacement: Exercise, sports and other activities
  33. Having a Knee Replacement: Exercises before surgery - Phase 1 exercises
  34. Having a Knee Replacement: Exercises to help you recover - Phase 2 exercises
  35. Having a Knee Replacement: Getting around
  36. Having a Knee Replacement: Going home
  37. Having a Knee Replacement: Having a knee replacement
  38. Having a Knee Replacement: Knee replacement surgery
  39. Having a Knee Replacement: Moving around and caring for yourself
  40. Having a Knee Replacement: Personal care
  41. Having a Knee Replacement: Resources
  42. Having a Knee Replacement: Safe sex positions
  43. Having a Knee Replacement: When to get medical help
  44. Hay Fever and Other Seasonal Allergies
  1. Head injury in children: HEAL
  2. Head Injury, Age 3 and Younger
  3. Head Injury, Age 4 and Older
  4. Head Lice
  5. Head Lice: How to treat head lice
  6. Headaches
  7. Headaches
  8. Headaches in Children: Headache treatments for children
  9. Headaches in Children: Medicines for migraines in children
  10. Headaches in Children: Types and causes of headaches in children
  11. Headaches: Managing a Headache
  12. Healing Touch
  13. Health and Safety, Ages 2 to 5 Years
  14. Health and Safety, Birth to 2 Years
  15. Health Screening: Finding Health Problems Early
  16. Health Tracking Forms and Checklists
  17. Healthcare-Associated Pneumonia (Nosocomial Pneumonia)
  18. Healthwise Self-Care Checklist: Do I Need to Go to the Doctor?
  19. Healthy Aging
  20. Healthy Aging and Driving: Driving safety for older adults
  21. Healthy Aging: Is It Time to Stop Driving?
  22. Healthy Bladder and Bowel: Bladder and bowel diary
  23. Healthy Eating
  24. Healthy Eating
  25. Healthy Eating for Children
  26. Healthy Eating: 3-Day food and activity journal
  27. Healthy Eating: Eating Heart-Healthy Foods
  28. Healthy Eating: Helping Your Child Learn Healthy Eating Habits
  29. Healthy Eating: How can I fit more vegetables and fruit into a healthy meal?
  30. Healthy Eating: Overcoming Barriers to Change
  31. Healthy Eating: Setting goals for lifestyle change
  32. Healthy Eating: Taking Calcium and Vitamin D
  33. Healthy Muscles
  34. Hearing Aids
  35. Hearing aids: How to care for your child’s hearing aid and earmold
  36. Hearing Loss
  37. Hearing loss in children with Down syndrome: What you need to know
  38. Hearing screening for adults of all ages: Using the hearWHO app
  39. Hearing technology for children: What you need to know
  40. Hearing technology: Learning about
  41. Hearing Tests
  42. Hearing Tests: Learning about your child’s tests
  43. Hearing tests: What happens at a hearing test appointment
  44. Hearing: Childhood ear infections
  45. Hearing: Communicating if you have hearing loss
  46. Hearing: Communicating with people who have trouble hearing
  47. Hearing: Guide to buying hearing aids for adults
  48. Hearing: Helping children with hearing loss to listen and learn
  49. Hearing: How do I know if my child can hear me?
  50. Hearing: Tips for when it's hard to communicate
  51. Heart and Circulation
  52. Heart Arrhythmias and Exercise
  53. Heart Attack
  54. Heart Block
  55. Heart Disease Risk Calculator
  56. Heart disease: Statin medicines: Clearing up myths
  57. Heart Failure
  58. Heart Failure Daily Action Plan
  59. Heart Failure: Activity and Exercise
  60. Heart Failure: Avoiding Medicines That Make Symptoms Worse
  61. Heart failure: Heart failure medicines
  62. Heart Failure: Managing heart failure: Heart failure action plan
  63. Heart Failure: Should I Get an Implantable Cardioverter-Defibrillator (ICD)?
  64. Heart Failure: Taking Medicines Properly
  65. Heart Failure: Watching Your Fluids
  66. Heart failure: Weight chart
  67. Heart Health: Walking for a Healthy Heart
  68. Heart Murmur
  69. Heart Rate Problems: Should I Get a Pacemaker?
  70. Heart Rhythm Problems: Should I Get an Implantable Cardioverter-Defibrillator (ICD)?
  71. Heart Surgery: About Your Heart
  72. Heart Surgery: Activity After Surgery
  73. Heart Surgery: After Surgery
  74. Heart Surgery: Care After Surgery
  75. Heart Surgery: Day of Surgery
  76. Heart Surgery: Exercises
  77. Heart Surgery: Getting Ready for Surgery
  78. Heart Surgery: Getting Ready to Go Home
  79. Heart Surgery: Getting Ready to Go Home
  80. Heart Surgery: Heart Surgery Overview
  81. Heart Surgery: Outpatient Cardiac Rehabilitation
  82. Heart Surgery: Overview
  83. Heart Surgery: Recovering at Home
  84. Heart Surgery: Resources
  85. Heart Surgery: The Night Before Surgery
  86. Heart Surgery: The Surgery
  87. Heart Surgery: Waiting for Surgery
  88. Heart Surgery: When to Call you Family Doctor
  89. Heart Surgery: When to Call Your Doctor after You Go Home
  90. Heart Transplant
  91. Heart Valve Disease
  92. Heartburn
  93. Heat Rash
  94. Heat-Related Illnesses
  95. Heavy Menstrual Periods
  96. Helicobacter Pylori Tests
  97. HELLP Syndrome
  98. Helpful Resources: Final Days - Overview
  99. Helpful Resources: Final Days - Resources
  100. Helpful Resources: Final Days - Trying to Understand
  101. Helpful Resources: Final Days – What to Expect
  102. Helpful Resources: Final Days - When Death Happens
  103. Helpful Resources: Grief and Bereavement
  104. Helpful Resources: Stories
  105. Helpful Resources: Symptom Management
  106. Helpful Resources: Symptom Management - Bowel & Bladder
  107. Helpful Resources: Symptom Management - Confusion
  108. Helpful Resources: Symptom Management - Loss of Strength
  109. Helpful Resources: Symptom Management - Nausea & Vomiting
  110. Helpful Resources: Symptom Management - Pain
  111. Helpful Resources: Symptom Management - Shortness of Breath
  112. Helpful Resources: Useful Links
  113. Helpful Resources: Videos
  114. Helping children and teens recover after a disaster or emergency: Care instructions
  115. Helping older adults recover after a disaster or emergency: Care instructions
  116. Helping Your Child Build Inner Strength
  117. Helping Your Child Build Self-Esteem
  118. Hemochromatosis
  119. Hemochromatosis Gene (HFE) Test
  120. Hemochromatosis Genetic Screening
  121. Hemodialysis
  122. Hemodialysis: Angiogram/ Fistulogram and Angioplasty of Your AV Fistula or Graft
  123. Hemodialysis: Caring for Your Buttonhole Site
  124. Hemodialysis: Caring for your new central venous catheter (CVC) for dialysis
  125. Hemodialysis: What a shorter dialysis time can mean for you
  126. Hemoglobin Electrophoresis Test
  127. Hemophilia
  128. Hemorrhoidectomy
  129. Hemorrhoids
  130. Hepatitis A
  131. Hepatitis A Virus Test
  132. Hepatitis B
  133. Hepatitis B Virus Tests
  134. Hepatitis B: How to Avoid Spreading the Virus
  135. Hepatitis C
  136. Hepatitis C in Pregnancy
  137. Hepatitis C Viral Load Test
  138. Hepatitis C Virus Tests
  139. Hepatitis E
  140. Hepatitis Panel
  141. Herpes Tests