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Intensive Care: A Guide for You and Your Family

Your healthcare team

The healthcare team visits all patients in the ICU each day. They talk to the patient and their family members and friends about how things are going. They also make decisions about treatment and plan care for the day. This is called patient care rounds.

You and your family

You and your family are key members of your healthcare team. Whenever possible you’ll be included in the care and treatment decisions during your stay in the ICU. M​any hospital rooms, including some ICUs, have white boards on the wall with key information for you. On the whiteboard you’ll find the date, the name of your nurse, doctor, and a list of treatments or plans for the day. You or your family are welcome to take part and ask questions during rounds to get a better understanding of your choices for care and treatment. On the whiteboard there’s a space for you to write questions. Usually these are answered during rounds.

Doctors and Nurse Practitioners
Respiratory Therapist
Occupational Therapist
Speech Language Pathologist

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