This guide will help you to know what to expect as you work with your healthcare team to manage and treat lower limb ischemia.
Everyone will have their own unique journey with lower limb ischemia. How you move through your journey, the number of visits with your healthcare team, the steps you will take, and the order you take them in will depend on your individual needs and will be decided in partnership with your healthcare team. Always follow the specific recommendations from your healthcare team.
What is lower limb ischemia?
Lower limb ischemia happens when blood vessels in 1 or both of your legs get restricted or blocked. It is a form of
peripheral artery disease. Lower limb ischemia can cause pain, which is usually worse when you are active. The restriction in blood flow can also affect how quickly your body can heal things like skin ulcers or wounds.
Whole-person health
The whole-person health approach will help you and your healthcare team better manage your health condition.
Whole-person health draws from the teachings of the medicine wheel. It means thinking about all parts of your health and wellness:
- physical
- financial and social
- spiritual
- emotional
These parts are all connected and impact each other. It’s important to be aware of your personal needs in each part and to share that information with your healthcare team. Your healthcare team needs to understand who you are and what matters to you.
Support and resources
- If you need a family doctor, visit Alberta Health Services:
Find a doctor.
- If you need a translator, let your healthcare provider know.
- If you need health advice any time, day or night, call Health Link at 811.
- If you need to find programs and services in your community, call or text 211 or visit
211 Alberta.
Lower Limb Ischemia Pathway
Download or print the full patient pathway (PDF) and summary (one-page PDF) to learn more about how to manage and treat lower limb ischemia.
Patient Pathway