Main Content
After Your Miscarriage
At the time of your miscarriage
What is a miscarriage?
Your healthcare team
Care for miscarriages
Your physical health
What you may expect
Your emotional health
Caring for your baby’s remains
Remembering your baby
Saying goodbye
The grief journey
How you feel grief
A partner’s grief
Ways to cope
Supporting children after the loss of a baby
For friends and family
Finding support after a miscarriage
Additional options for support
For more information
Your body is going through some big changes and will need time to heal and recover. Be sure to make time to rest and feel better. It usually takes 4 to 6 weeks for your body to recover after a miscarriage. You may continue to have vaginal bleeding during this time.
See your family doctor or go to the closest emergency department right away if you have:
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