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After Your Miscarriage

Your healthcare team

Whether you’re having a miscarriage or have been told that you’ve had a miscarriage, support and services are available for you. Some of these may depend on where you live.

Obstetrician, family doctor, genetics, nurse practitioner, or midwife:

  • provide diagnosis and support for pregnancy losses
  • help with testing, referrals, or follow-up care

Early pregnancy assessment clinics:

  • provide assessment and testing
  • discuss treatment options
  • support for losses under 12 weeks

Emergency department or urgent care:

  • provide urgent or emergency care when there is a medical need or emergency such as heavy bleeding, signs of infection like fever over 38.5 °C or vaginal discharge which smells bad

Your healthcare team will help you find resources, offer support, and answer your questions. Your physical and emotional health is important. There are no right or wrong questions or decisions at this time.

You may want to have information about your baby. Once it’s been confirmed that your baby is no longer alive, you may wish to collect the remains to be able to honour your baby or say goodbye in a formal way. To collect the remains (baby), you can get a plastic basin, sometimes called a hat, which can be placed in the toilet. These are available in most pharmacies, labs, or in early pregnancy assessment clinics.

You may not want to collect the remains. That’s OK. It’s important that you do what feels right for you. If you have questions, talk to your healthcare provider about your options.

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